If you are getting into angling or are already an avid fisher, then you know about the importance of line. Monofilament, or Mono for short, is a common line used among fishermen, but does it stretch?
Does Monofilament Line Stretch? Monofilament line has incredible stretch! The line itself can stretch up to 25% or more and is very forgiving if you hook too hard or if your drag sticks. One of the main reasons the line has so much stretch is due to the water absorption which makes it more relaxed than other lines.
So, is the stretch capacity of monofilament a benefit? Let’s talk about what exactly it means for your style of fishing, and if it is the right line for you.
How and Why Does Monofilament Line Stretch?
Monofilament line, or Mono, is made from one single fiber of plastic. They are very cheap to make and can be made in a wide variety of diameters, which makes them very popular among fishing line producers. Since it is plastic, it is also manufactured in a large variety of colors.
Mono lines stretch quite easily, which can be a positive or a negative, depending on what you are fishing for. Monofilament line can stretch an extra 25% of its length. The stretch makes it easier to handle, and you are also able to cast farther than with other lines, but it can also lead to a lower catch rate.
As the line absorbs more water, it increases the stretch of the line. The strand becomes looser and has more give to it than it does originally. Monofilament line acts differently above and below the water surface.
The stretch makes it not as sensitive, so it is difficult to figure out what your line is doing since it will loosen up over time due to water absorption.
What Exactly is Monofilament Line?
As we mentioned, monofilament line is made from a single strand of plastic. It is created by mixing various polymers and then pushing it through small holes, which vary in size, resulting in the different types of lines.
They are one of the most popular fishing lines of all time, and that is mostly because they are cheap and easy to produce. Monoline can also be created in different diameters, which results in different tensile strength.
The qualities of the line, such as strength and limpness, all depend on the chemicals used in the line. This is also how color is added to the line.
Advantages of Monofilament Line
- Monofilament line is easy to handle. Since it is so flexible, it makes it easier to cast as well as manage when it is on the reel. It is also a great line for many people who are new to fishing since it is so cheap to purchase.
- It has unbeatable stretch. Contrary to most lines, mono stretches better than any line out there. It is very forgiving to most fishermen, and the different diameters will determine the total stretchiness.
- Mono line sinks slowly. Because it is so light, the line sinks really slow. Most people prefer this line if they are using topwater lures or trying to suspend the presentation in water.
- It is the most economical. If you are just starting out, or you fish all the time, then you know line can really add up. Mono line is going to give you a ton of benefits without the extra cost.
- High abrasion resistance: In case you are fishing around sharp objects such as rock, coral, or unseen items in the water, mono line is much stronger than others. Thanks to the large diameter, you are less likely to cut your line.
Disadvantages of Monofilament Line
- It absorbs a lot of water. One of the biggest disadvantages of mono line is that it actually acts differently in and out of water. This is due to water absorption, which can cause the line to loosen up.
- The stretch can be a disadvantage. Although many fishermen use it for the stretch, the stretch can cause you to lose more fish since it does not latch on as quickly.
- It has a lower tensile strength than other lines. Since it is a single strand and produced very cheap, it tends to not be as strong as other lines. It can be damaged by UV light over time.
Most Popular Uses for Monofilament Line
Depending on where, when, and how you fish mono line may be perfect for you, or it may be something that you want to avoid. If you are interested in using mono line, check out the most popular uses for mono line!
General Fishing: If you are fishing for fun, then mono line is perfect. Not only is it very affordable, but it also comes in a ton of diameters and colors that you can play around with to see what works for you. Make sure to change your line often since it can be damaged by water and UV light.
Trolling: This is a style of finishing which can use one single line or multiple lines. The lines use lures or bait to attract the fish. The line can be pulled behind a boat, slowly reeled in, or simply moved from side-to-side. Monofilament has a great give, which makes it perfect for catching large fish primarily when the boat is still moving.
Kite Fishing: Majority of kite fishermen swear by mono line. This is a technique that utilizes a kite with a drop line to hang over a body of water. After a fish bites the bait or lure, the drop line will allow you to reel in the fish. Since mono line has such a great abrasion resistance, you won’t have to worry about the kite clips damaging your line.
What is the Best Mono Color to Use?
Since mono line is made from mixing various polymers together, it is easy to have different colors of line to choose from. This is definitely a personal preference on what to use, and it also depends on the environment that you are fishing in as well. Here are five of the most popular line colors.
Clear is the most popular when it comes to selecting a mono line. It can disappear in water, it works for a lot of different fish, and works in a wide variety of depths. If you forget to clean your line or it gets damaged, then your line can actually become white, which makes it easier for the fish to see.
Blue mono line is another popular choice because it basically disappears under water, but it is easier to see on top of the water. The deeper you fish with it, the more translucent it becomes. Most fishermen who do a lot of offshore fishing swear by this color.
Yellow line is great if you are into watching your line to know if you have any bites. The bright colors make it very visible to the fisherman, but it also makes it more visible to the fish. This is frequently used in dirtier water areas since it is so visible.
Red is a great choice because it changes color once it is underwater. As the depth of the water gets deeper, the color will actually deepen to eventually become black. Some fishermen also think this is a great option since it can look like blood in the water.
Green tends to blend into the water as long as the water has some sort of green hint to it. The color also allows it to act as a sort of camouflage to make it even less visible.