How to Know When to Change Fishing Line

Most people replace their fishing line when they get a new reel, which is longer than is recommended. However, when your line seems to be taking forever to break down, it can be challenging to decide when you need a replacement. 

So, how do you know when to change your fishing line? Each fishing line has different replacement requirements. For this reason, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of fishing lines to have an idea of when to change them.

There are three different kinds of fishing lines, and they are:

  • Monofilament Line – will last about one season.
  • Braided Fishing Line – will last about two seasons.
  • Fluorocarbon Fishing Line – will last for about two years.

Although changing a fishing line doesn’t seem like a big deal, it can affect your fishing experience. A lousy fishing line can ruin your fishing experience. So, don’t take your chances. In this article, you will learn how to ensure that your fishing line is always in good working order.

When to Change Fishing Line

The fishing line is one of the most important tools for fishing; however, many people forget it. Most people concentrate on the hook and rod and forget about the fishing line. If you’re serious about fishing, that’s a mistake you can’t afford to make.

If your fishing line breaks off when you’re trying to reel in the fish, you not only lose your fish, but you also lose your lure, hook, and anything else that was at the end of your fishing rod. This risk is why it’s crucial to know when to change a fishing line. 

There are some factors you should consider when deciding when to change a fishing line. There are also different types of fishing lines that last for varying lengths of time

Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether or Not to Replace a Fishing Line 

Several factors determine how often you should change your fishing line. One of the things that affect a fishing line’s lifespan is how often you use it. The more fishing you’re doing, the faster your fishing gear will wear out.

However, this isn’t a bad thing. If you’re using your fishing gear often, it means you’re making the best out of the experience, and you’re getting a return on your investment every time you use your equipment.

Storage also affects how long your fishing line lasts. For instance, if you leave your fishing line in a wet area, it’s more likely to break because the water can react with the line and weaken it. To prevent this, always dry your fishing line before putting it away in storage. Please do not place your line in direct sunlight because the direct UV rays may dry the line and break it down, as well.

The type of water you fish in and the type of line you use will also determine how often you have to replace the fishing line. Saltwater weakens the fishing line faster than freshwater

Types of Fishing Lines

Different types of fishing lines have varying characteristics. They differ in thickness, flexibility, stretch, and how they handle abrasion. A thick line with incredible resistance and flexibility will last longer compared to a thinner line with less flexibility. 

There are three types of fishing line:

  • Monofilament Line
  • Braided Fishing Line
  • Fluorocarbon Fishing Line

Each type of fishing line has its advantages and disadvantages.

Monofilament Line

Monofilament lines are popular among anglers because they’re cheap, and they have a great stretch. However, they’re not the most reliable when it comes to durability. Because they are simple nylon polymer, the lines degrade more quickly when exposed to the sun. 

Another issue with monofilament lines is that they retain memory. As a result, you shouldn’t be surprised when you notice loops on the line when you’re casting. These lines are also more delicate compared to the other options on the market.

So when should you replace a monofilament line? If you prefer using monofilament lines, you should make a habit of replacing them every season. You can make it part of your spring routine. Before you hit the water, re-spool a brand new monofilament line, and you’re good to go!

However, if you fish multiple times in a season, you may have to replace this line several times. It’s also a good idea to make a habit of inspecting your line to make the right judgment. Check for nicks and stretching every time you plan to go fishing.

Braided Fishing Line

Braided fishing lines are popular among experienced anglers. They’re constructed using two or more fibers and are more durable, stronger, and even known to cast further compared to their monofilament counterparts. The only limitation of braided fishing lines is that there aren’t any transparent or nearly transparent options on the market.

However, this shouldn’t discourage you from getting a braided fishing line. Anglers have come up with clever tricks on how to fool fish using this line. They tie fluorocarbon leader or monofilament lines to the lure to make it less visible.

So how often should you replace a braided fishing line? Due to their resilience, braided fishing lines can last up to two seasons or more if you’re not using them often. But if you fish regularly, it’s advisable to replace them once a year. However, pay attention to discoloration and fraying. If you notice this on your line, go on and change it.

Fluorocarbon Fishing Line

Fluorocarbon fishing lines are, by far, the best fishing lines on the market. This line is a polyvinylidene strand microfiber similar to monofilament, but it’s much stronger. Fluorocarbon fishing lines are also preferred to braided fishing lines because they’re transparent. However, these lines are quite expensive.

Another thing that makes fluorocarbon lines the best option is that they’re denser than water and have zero water absorption. Not to mention, they’re almost invisible in water due to their light refraction properties.

Due to its construction, fluorocarbon has a longer lifespan compared to monofilament. Some anglers believe it’s even better than braided lines. The strength of the line makes it difficult for it to fray or develop nicks.

Therefore, it’s advisable to replace a fluorocarbon fishing line once every two years or more depending on how much you fish. Also, make sure you inspect your line before you go out into the water to avoid any unnecessary breaks.

You can find more tips on choosing the right fishing line, especially for spinning reels, here.

Can You Extend the Life of Your Fishing Line?

You may be wondering if it’s possible to extend the life of your fishing line. The answer is no. A fishing line is a fragile item, which means that wear and tear are inevitable. It would be best if you didn’t continue using a line year after year without considering replacement because it may cost you in the end. 

Check your line for visible signs of wear and replace it as recommended depending on the type of line you have. This way, you’ll never have to regret losing a trophy fish due to a bad line.

Happy Fishing!

There you have it – a detailed guide on how to know when to change your fishing line. Remember that how often you replace your line depends on the type of line you have, how often you use it, and how you store it. No matter what, always inspect your line before you head out for your fishing expedition to ensure everything looks alright.

Don’t forget to invest in a high-quality fishing line. A top-notch line is more resilient, and you won’t need to replace it as often.

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